Script Consulting


Script Consulting Services for film and TV producers at the international scale. 

Welcome to my website. I’m Estelle Konik Tronchon. I have been a script consultant and story editor for ten years. My daily work consists of reading, analyzing, providing support for, and improving all types of scripts for film, television, and VOD platforms, whatever the language (English, French, Spanish) or format.

Here are my missions:

#1. Make your authors and stories excel.

The stronger and more coherent a story is, the better chance you have to convince commissioning bodies, future partners, or the cast to jump on board. It’s important to remember that a solid story told with conviction can lead the viewing public to go to the movies and turn on their televisions. In short, the script is the primary anchor, the attractive promise of all the possibilities, and, if well written, the point that leads to inevitable success. That’s why it is my mission to help you tell your stories such that they become the best versions of themselves and why it is my primary goal.

#2. Make your projects reach success faster.

Scriptwriting can take several years. In a matter of months, versions can vary, get canceled, be inconsistent, and the pool of authors can change often. As a result, I have developed a transparent, personalized, and step-by-step method for development tracking that allows your projects to flourish faster so that you never lose contact with the work in progress or the author.

#3. Make your company shine internationally.

I want your stories to travel or be imported by others from abroad. By analyzing and supporting your projects in French, English, and Spanish, my work allows you to invest in new narratives and geographic opportunities by facilitating communications with interlocutors where it can be difficult to understand the language or culture.

#4. Save time and avoid the tedium..

Reading takes time. And this time is really valuable. That’s why I offer to read all scripts that make it to your desk, select the best (without missing the gems), and provide you with a reading analysis asap!

Let me take care of reading those famously bad projects that your colleague wants you to read immediately. As a bonus, I also provide all the essential arguments to decline the script which you don’t like!


1 # My experience: To offer better support, I maximize the use of my ten years of experience in the film and television industry, which includes hundreds of analyzed scripts and providing support for dozens of stories.

#2 My versatility: From suspense to thrillers to french comedies to films by auteurs to animes even, I handle genres and formats with dexterity.

3 #The Estelle Konik method: From the reading report to development tracking, including script annotations, each type of service offered is the result of an effective and carefully considered method imagined by me! To discover more about how my method works for producers and their writers, click here.


Estelle Konik Tronchon:

After studying cinema, taking a detour through the world of theater as an author and another one in television as a Literary Assistant for the French show Section de Recherches (TF1), in 2012 I became a film reader and script consultant for independent film production companies.

I started working in French, but quickly expanded as I moved around the world; spending time in English-speaking Canada, in Scotland, and 5 years in Spain (in Valencia). I now work on all types of film projects in three languages: French, English, and Spanish.

Since recently, I live and work in Portugal.


Below, you’ll find a short recap of the services.

Let’s work together!

Are you a producer and need help with reading, coaching, or polishing? To make an appointment by phone and discuss your project together or to receive the services brochure, contact me by clicking here.

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